Celebrating a quarter century as strategic allies in the growth and modernization of one of the leading airlines in the region: COPA Airlines

Galindo, Arias & López (GALA) proudly celebrates over 25 years of being Copa Airlines’ strategic ally in the transformation, renewal and expansion of its fleet. GALA continues to provide legal advice to COPA in the acquisition, financing, leasing and registration of its aircraft, acquired through diverse and innovative financing structures, both in the Panamanian and […]
GALA contributed to the ICLG – Aviation Finance & Leasing 2021 (Panama Chapter)

The International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG) recently published Aviation Finance & Leasing 2021 (Second Edition), which offers readers a practical cross-border insight into aviation finance law. In the Panama chapter, our lawyers: Cristina Lewis, Daniel Sessa, Claudia Juárez, and Anna Valdés, members of our aviation and tax teams, outlined key information regarding contractual, taxation and […]
GALA advised Copa on the sale of 14 aircraft

GALA advised Copa Holdings on both the contractual and regulatory aspects of a sale to Alliance, an Australian economic group, of 14 EMB-190 aircraft, together with replacement engines and spare parts for such aircraft and engines. The transaction prescribes for the delivery of the acquired assets to Alliance during the course of 2020 and beginning […]
Copa Holding, S.A.
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Servair Newrest Panamá, S.A.
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