
New Immigration Reforms

Executive Decree No. 249 of June 10, 2019 establishes the procedure and requirements for opting for Permanent Residency, applicable to foreigners who have obtained the renewal of their Provisional Permits of Extraordinary Migratory Regularization for 10 years (Melting Pot) or their Provisional Residence Permits for 6 years (Humanitarian Reasons).

For this purpose, once the terms described above have elapsed, foreigners may apply for a permanent residency permit with the documentation required for this purpose.

The immigration fees to pay at Banco Nacional de Panama to obtain these residency permits are the following:

 Nacionality Permanent Residency Card Cost
With a visa waiver US$512.00
Without a visa waiver  US$1,017.00
Restricted Nationalities  US$2,097.00
Venezuelan Citizens US$512.00

Note: Children under the age of 12 years and seniors older than 85 years are exempt for these payments. Also, cases of verifiably terminally ill persons, persons with serious verifiable disabilities and for humanitarian reasons, for whom a previous evaluation and report from the Office of Humanitarian Matters of the National Immigration Service will be required.

For any inquiries about the required documentation and the procedure to apply for permanent residency status contact María Montserrat Dorado at

Complete the form to apply