International young lawyers congress

Our experience at International young lawyers congress was truly memorable. We look forward to reconnecting at future events. Meanwhile, we remain at your service from Panama. Galindo, Arias & López | Committed to excellence, always at your service.
AIJA Americas Meeting, Panama City, 2023

On March 3rd, AIJA celebrated the AIJA Americas Meeting, in Panama City, 2023. Galindo, Arias & Lopez, sponsored and participated as members of the organizing committee of this event which received an important number of attendees from Panama and the region. The event covered topics of interest such as Nearshoring in the Americas and International […]
AIJA | Half-Year Conference

Beatriz Cabal (Senior Associate) and Michelle Ferrara (International Associate) actively participated in the International Association of Young Lawyers’ (AIJA) “Half-Year Conference”, which recently took place in Miami, where issues related to energy (oil and gas), mergers and acquisitions, as well as international litigation and arbitration were discussed. Galindo, Arias & Lopez was also a sponsor […]
Aviation Day Panamá 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] GALA fue parte de los patrocinadores del “Aviation Day Panamá 2019”, evento que convocó a importantes empresas de la industria aeronáutica en América Central. En dicho evento, se realizó un Panel Regulatorio moderado por la Lic. Cristina Lewis, el cual estuvo conformado por expertos de la región, quienes abordaron el tema “Regulación Acertada y […]
Electoral Reform Training

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Faced with the upcoming national elections of May 5 and with the challenge of selecting our future leaders represents, the Litigation and Arbitration practice group took the initiative to organize an internal training about Electoral Reforms, in order to clear up any doubts about the voting process guidelines. This training was led by Mr. […]
Update on the Government Procurement Act

Recently, GALA provided the last training for the 2018 Professional Development cycle, organized by Mr. Selva del C. Quintero M. of the Litigation and Arbitration practice group. In this training, we were honored to have Dr. Kathia Lee Duque to speak on the topic of “Update on the Government Procurement Act – Law 61 of […]
Sharing Knowledge

As part of GALA’s Professional Development program, internal training was provided for the Litigation and Arbitration practice group in which attorneys Selva del C. Quintero M. and Kriss Ríos shared with the group their knowledge regarding “Basic Training Experiences in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practices”. It should be noted that Panama became the first Latin American country […]
ICC Arbitration in Practice

True to our commitment to best practices in the provision of legal services, at Galindo, Arias & López, at the of the Litigation and Arbitration practice group, an internal training regarding CCI Arbitration in Practice was provided. Among the topics covered were: “Relevant texts in CCI arbitration,” “Arbitration proceedings in its globalization” and “Article 21 […]
Lawyer’s Professional Ethics

Galindo, Arias & López true to our values and committed to best practices in the practice of law and at the initiative of the Litigation practice group, conducted an internal training session on legal ethics, taught by professionals from the Panamanian Bar Association. Among the topics covered with: “The Categorization of Ethical Faults,” “The Code […]
Professional Development – Electoral Reforms

Recently, an internal training session was provided by the Litigation and Arbitration practice group corresponding to the month of May. In this training, we had the opportunity to receive updated information on the “Electoral Reforms” by Mr. Juan Carlos Perez of the Electoral Tribunal. The topics addressed included public and private funding, propaganda and the […]